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ESPSC Buy and Sell

The ESPSC has a large variety of skating attire such as dresses and skirts available for purchase. We often have dresses and skirts displayed at the rink that are not listed on the website, so be sure to check in with us to see what we have in stock. We also have several pairs of skates available for sale. Inquire with us for information on sizing and models of skates available. 
Click on the photos below to see the available skating dresses, skirts, and miscellaneous clothing we have available for purchase. 


Interested in advertising on our Buy and Sell page?

If you have dresses, skirts, skates, or other attire that you would like to advertise on our website, please email Madison Herget-Schmidt at 
In your email please include a jpeg photo for each file, your name, and a phone number or email address for potential buyers to contact you with. You may choose to include a brief description of items. 
If selling skates, please include the following information in your email: 
- Make (Jackson, Risport, Riedell, etc.) 
- Model (Jackson Premiere, Elite, Supreme) 
- Size 
- Condition (new, lightly used) 
- Price 

Skating Dresses


Skating Skirts


Figure Skates


Miscellaneous Attire






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