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Advanced CanSkate Figure Skating:

ESPSC is excited to continue our Advanced CanSkate Figure Skating program for the 2023-24 skating season! 

This program is designed to enhance the CanSkate experience for skaters interested in pursuing figure skating. Skaters will continue to progress through the CanSkate program while emphasizing the development of necessary basic skating skills to move into STAR 1. The Advanced CanSkate Figure Skating program is focused on learning fundamental basic figure skating elements. This program is 1 hour in length each day giving skaters more ice time which falls in line with Skate Canada and Sport Canada's Long Term Athlete Development (LTAD) model. 

The Advanced CanSkate Figure Skating program will be offered on Thursday evenings from 6:30-7:30 PM and Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:45 AM. Your child may have already been identified as a good candidate for this program last season and may have received a note in their CanSkate report card. If you are interested in signing your child up for Advanced CanSkate Figure Skating and did not receive a note please contact Tanya Pilat, Program Coordinator at to see if the program would be a good fit for them.