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CanSkate Stage 2:


Once your child completes Stage 1, they will advance to Stage 2. In this stage, they will focus on solidifying the fundamental skills, building upon their ability to achieve adequate speed and flow. The emphasis will be on refining these basic techniques to ensure a strong foundation for further development and progression in their skating journey. 😊⛸️✨



Stage 2 Skills


Balance (4/4) Control (3/4) Agility(4/4)

Fwd sculling 

Fwd stop

Fwd 2-foot turn (CW/CCW)

Fwd 2 to 1-foot glide (R/L)

Bwd 2-foot sit glide 

Bwd 2-foot turn (CW/CCW)

Fwd push/glide sequence (consecutive)

Bwd 2 to 1-foot glide (R/L)

Fwd 180º glide turn 

Fwd 1-foot glide with speed (R/L)

Bwd push/glide sequence

Fwd 2-foot jump with glide


To watch examples on how to perform the skills, check out the specific focus area (Balance, Control, Agility) in the CanSkate section on the Skate Canada Development Video Library